A CRM is designed to grow and adapt in line with changing business needs. Therefore, we recommend that any business that is serious about maintaining the long-term effectiveness of its CRM system should carry outĀ regular reviews in order to:
- Ensure that it continues to meet the needs of users.
- Make sure that it aligns with the strategic direction of the business.
- Identify new requirements.
The danger of not reviewing your CRM is that it becomes less relevant for users, who may then start to find workarounds or even abandon the system altogether. This clearly reduces the business value of having a CRM and leads to significant inefficiencies.
If you have users that regularly complain about aspects of your system, or are creating spreadsheets and other documents to fill in gaps, then now is the time to carry out a review of your CRM.
Loria has extensive experience of keeping CRM systems performing at their best. Our review service typically includes the following:
- consulting with users and business managers, who often provide very useful insight and feedback to improve the system.
- discussing the strategic vision of the business and identifying how the CRM should be managed to align with this.
- providing information to business and technical managers on latest developments in CRM technology.
- reviewing the current version of software and ensuring that you are benefiting from any new features
- undertaking a technical check to ensure that the system architecture is appropriate.
On completion, we provide a comprehensive report which sets out our findings and recommendations. We can then assist you with implementing these in conjunction with in-house staff or your established reseller.
PleaseĀ contact us to find out more about this or our other CRM consultancy services.